Monday, December 1, 2008

Eli turns 1...

This Thanksgiving weekend was one filled with friends and family all around. Sunday was no exception for little Elijah Benjamin as everyone came out to Hs. Lordships to celebrate his very first birthday with him. The little guy wasn't feeling too well, but he flashed his bright, warm smile whenever he could.

The birthday party was held inside Hs. Lordships at The Tartan Room where Eli's guests feasted on all-you-can-eat Sunday brunch. Plenty of pictures were taken and everyone wrote down their hopes and dreams for little Eli on 4x6 cards. Wonder if his parents will have him wait twenty years before he can actually read all those wonderful wishes for him...

To view all images from Eli's Birthday please see here!

Decor of the Day


Cake Time!!


Kids enjoying Eli's Day!


Daddy, Mommy, and Eli


Thoughts and wishes!


Too much partying = nap time...


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